One sure way to add value to your property is to circle it with a beautiful set of wrought-iron fencing and gates from Cacciola Iron Works. Not only will this add a sense of magnificence to the exterior of your home and yard, you’ll gain the assurance that your home will be protected from intruders. Available in a variety of finishes and styles, our iron fencing and gates are guaranteed to match the beauty of your home and can be installed with some additional features. Here are a few ideas you can use as you consider your next renovation choice.

Automated Gates

Interested in wireless technology? How about a system you can control from inside your home? We can install an automated system that will open the gate as your vehicle drives up, saving you the time and hassle of having to open the gate manually every time you come home. You can install a keypad system to allow only those with the password to enter, or an intercom system that will allow people to ring at your gate for entry. All in all, these technologies are there to help you control who has access to your property and to keep out unwanted guests or intruders.

Safety-Proof Your Swimming Pool

One of the worst things you’ll ever hear on the news is of children somehow finding their way past the fencing to the swimming pool without adult supervision and drowning. But it doesn’t just have to be children. Controlling who has access to your swimming pool and at which times can help keep everyone safe. Let Cacciola Iron Works create the perfect gate and fence to your swimming pool. We’ll make it lockable and secure, so you’ll be in control. You can even keypad it to ensure only those who have a code can swim.

Protect the things you love with flair and style by choosing Cacciola Iron Works for your iron and aluminum fencing and railings. You’ll love how our work can bring your home’s aesthetic together. Contact us today for more information!